AI Policy: A New Reading List
The purpose of this reading list is to place AI policy, safety, alignment, and desire back within its political and philosophical lineages. Much good work has been done by EA-aligned bodies, but we believe the atomistic, computable way of thinking this approach takes and its popularity within the field risks leading us down dead ends in AI design and into traps a broader approach would reveal.
A.J. Ayer
Language, Truth, and Logic
Adam Smith
Theory of Moral Sentiments
Wealth of Nations
Alasdair Macintyre
After Virtue
Amitav Ghosh
The Great Derangement
Benedict Anderson
Imagined Communities
Benjamin Bratton
The Stack
Brian Christian
The Alignment Problem
Bruno Latour
Facing Gaia
Cal Newport
Deep Work
Celeste Friend
Overview of the Social Contract Theory
Charles Taylor
Sources of the Self
Chris Miller
Chip War
David Hume
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
A Treatise of Human Nature
Donna Haraway
The Cyborg Manifesto
Donna Haraway
Staying with the Trouble
Eric Reiss
The Lean Start Up
Ernest Gellner
Nations and Nationalism
Eugene McCarraher
The Enchantments of Mammon
Francis Fukuyama
Political Order and Political Decay
The End of History
Franklin Perkins
Liebniz and China: A Commerce of Light
George Berkeley
De Motu
Principles of Human Knowledge
Three Dialogues
Graciela De Pierris and Michael Friedman
Kant and Hume on Causation
Immanuel Kant
Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
Isaiah Berlin
Three Critics of the Enlightenment
The Proper Study of Mankind
J.L. Mackie
Inventing Right and Wrong
Jacob Steinhardt
Future ML Systems Will Be Qualitatively Different
More is Different For AI
James C. Scott
Seeing Like A State
James McBride
Ways of Being
JJ Rousseau
On the Social Contract
JL Austin
How to do things with words
John Locke
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Two Treatises of Government
John Stuart Mill
Utilitarianism, On Liberty
Joseph Butler
Fifteen Sermons
Jurgen Habermas
Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
Theory of Communicative Action
Mary Midgley
Science as Salvation
Evolution as Religion
Mary Wollestonecraft
Vindications of the Rights of Women
Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno
Dialectic of Enlightenment
Mircea Eliade
The Myth of the Eternal Return
Paul Christiano, OpenAi
Learning From Human Preferences
Peter Singer
The Most Good You Can Do
Practical Ethics
Peter Turchin
End Times
Ring of Gygas
Quinn Slobodian
Rene Girard
Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World
All Desire is A Desire For Being
Richard Ngo
AGI Safety From First Principles
A Short Introduction to Machine Learning
Richard Sutton
The Bitter Lesson
Rishi Bommasani et al
On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models
Robert Filmer
Roberto Calasso
The Unnameable Present
Robin Hanson
The Age of Em
Rudolph Carnap
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
Scott Alexander
Biological Anchors: A Trick That Might or Might Not Work
Sebastian Mallaby
The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Art of Disruption
Shosana Zuboff
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
St Augustine
Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer
Leviathan and the Air-Pump
Stuart Russell
Human Compatible
Susan Nieman
Evil in Modern Thought: An alternative history of philosophy
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Nagel
What is it like to be a bat?
Timothy LeCain
The Matter of History
Vaclav Smil
Energy and Civilisation: A History
Wendell Berry
In Distrust of Movements
Why I Am Not Going To Buy A Computer
William MacAskill
What We Owe The Future
WVO Quine
Two Dogmas of Empiricism